Before I ever published a book, I had a tremendous love for words. I had a desire to tell stories that helped people, because I cared about people too. To this day, I am thriving not only in my own writing dreams, but in helping others accomplish their dreams to write and publish their stories. In 2017, I founded Ink & Paint Publishing and began my journey of not only writing books but coming side along others to help them fulfill their dreams of publishing their wonderful stories as well! if you're interested in being coached and mentored in your writing journey, fill out the contact form and let me know! I'd love to partner with you!
Today, I have just completed and published my eighth book, Shattered: A Heart in Search of Mercy,and am starting the editing process for my new devotional, Let There Be Rest, which will be out mid-summer 2023. My love for words and creative expression is still forging forward through poetry, prose, short stories, fiction, and spiritual growth books that can encourage others in their life. What a journey it has been, one I give God praise for as He has invited me into this adventure with Him. I am thankful for moments when I get to look back and see how far I've come and see the beautiful fruit created simply by believing, investing, and staying the course. You can check out my stories here (takes you to Amazon) or click the link below.
And if you have a dream to write your book and see it fulfilled to completion with publishing, let me know if I can be of help to you in your process. Fill out the Contact Form if you could use a writing coach or have questions about publishing. My heart is to continue writing, creating, and inspiring those around me to follow their dreams. The world needs your story too! (Click here to submit contact info) Happy creating! :) Rikah